Sunday, 8 April 2012

George Galloway, my MP

Abdallah writes:

I hurl my shoes at the moderators on Damian Thompson's blog, who have so viciously deleted my posting about George Galloway. They are obviously annoyed because Sri Lanka lost the Test Match.

Here it is again:

As a Muslim living peacefully in Bradford with my numerous wives and countless camels, I wish to dissociate myself from the views of George Galloway, even though he has just been elected as my MP. I really cannot support a man who was a great friend of Saddam Hussein, and who appears on reality television shows impersonating a cat. My local Imam says that he has never impersonated a cat, and that Allah would not think it seemly. Moreover, I checked the blessed Koran, and I am fairly sure that the Prophet (PBUH) would never have gone "Miaou" or drunk from a saucer of milk. We leave that to the local Anglicans, who are known for their lack of dignity. Well, I hope that has helped. Pip-pip!


  1. I must say he sounds like a rather rum cove, but pretty sound on the depredations of the huns, or so my opposite number at St Finians tells me.

  2. Say buddy, if yoy want to have a blog, make it interesting. Hit home. Just dont try to be funny, which youre not. Do some reporting on real issues. Like the truckloads of pedophile priests in the cult of Baal called the catholic church
