We are thus very pleased to be holding a Mass for our Vanuatuan (New Hebridean) community this Sunday, to provide spiritual comfort to those who worship Prince Philip as a god.

His Grace the Archbishop of Tanna
Kevin Tanna, as he likes to be known, tells us, "It is a great honour and privilege to come to Trollbridge to celebrate the divinity of the White God From Over The Water. However, we would prefer it if our Mass were not disrupted by heretical devotees of Camilla the Sacred Llama or by followers of Prince Harry Krishna. They will get their opportunity on another occasion".
Although the Prince will not be present, on account of his advanced years and a prior engagement at the European bungee-jumping championships, we shall be having readings from the Gospel of Philip.
1. And it came to pass that Philip spake unto the traveller in Papua New Guinea, saying "You managed not to get eaten then?"
2. Likewise, unto the Scottish driving instructor, he said, "How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to pass the test?”
3. Then again, he spake unto the student in China, saying "If you stay here much longer, you’ll go home with slitty eyes.”
4. And it is written that he spake unto the fashion designer, saying, “Well, you didn’t design your beard too well, did you?”
We hope that many liberal Catholics will be able to attend!